mercredi 6 janvier 2016

Weight questions

First of all hi there everbody, I have been very busy lately but missed this board heavily :)


I know it is a very sensual topic and I would like to make sure that I don't want to offend anybody (gymnasts, coaches) at all!

I ordered Nastia's book and I find it quite inspirational. I was always rooting for her during her career but was glad that Shawn got a gold medal at the Olympic games as well - I think both deserved their results. So I respect Nastia and her self-discipline very much BUT... looking her recent pics on social media they literally freak out me. She looks very, very skinny. To tell the truth she looks anorexic for me. I know her mom had eating disorders too, and I remmeber her dad told in an interview that she has been a bad eater (and reading the book it must be true that food was the last thing for them)
But reading Shawn's coming out how much she suffered from her body image and she didn't dare to eat one single noodle in a soup I am scared a bit. Okay, that Nastia looks stunning on her book and she is happy preparin for her wedding but what kind of pic she is spreading about success?.... She is going in to several gyms with her Shine Tour and little girls see this: she is skinny, she is successful, she is utterly happy (?...). An on the other side there is Shawn who try to spread a healthier, balanced lifestyle with her program and tells how bad and unsuccessful she felt looking "skinny gymnasts" (i.e. Nastia) and she knew they were the favourite of the coaches.

And than the competitions... I see the lovely Chinese gymnasts who were very flexible and fragile in the past but had power, grace and charisma. Now? They are as skinny as a skeleton! Their heads is almost bigger than her bodies! They are very skinny! And although they do great gymnastics but somehow lack the power! I preferes their old coaching method. Maybe they have a new head trainer with new system but I wish I could back the old one.
But than there is the Dutch team also which became one of my favourite at the Worlds and those girls thanks God have normal weight and look healthy. I heard in an interview that the Weavers twins have a special nutritionist-body trainer and I think that is a very good idea!

I don't know what is your opinion but I found those poor, extremly tiny girls dangerous, I mean that coaching phenomena in long term which prefers their gymnasts being skinny! As we can understand from Shawn's story little gymnasts can easily think that they are good only as skinny, they don't eat and they suffer instead of enjoying this beautiful sport. And will have several problems after finishing with sport (as I am afraid Nastia has currently)
I think the healthy weight (like the Weavers or Simone have) is a way better example! Sloan, Memmel, Zmeskal etc. always had normal weight and they were very successful!
I don't know WOGA so much only as a spectator but there can be something with eating as in my opinion (which can be wrong of course) Madison Kocian is under her weigh too as well.

Somehow I really can't believe in that fairy tale that somebody is sooo happy if she or he has eating disorder! :(

I am more than happy if you share your opinions!
Weight questions

1 commentaire:

  1. I agree with this post completely! It is impossible to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life with an eating disorder. It is unfortunate that so many professional athletes, celebrities, etc. are plagued by eating issues.
